Flowing Harmony
What It Is:
It is easy to see when the laundry piles up and know it is time to clear the piles and clean up. But did you know that the energy in your space also needs to be cleaned and cleared? This 2+ hour session (in-person) is unique because I also teach you the techniques I use. This empowers you to continue to keep your space unencumbered by the energy that isn't serving you.
***I strongly recommend that individuals who live/work in the space also book either a personal or group energy session with me. Energy Renewal will help to better understand their own energy and how it interacts with others &/or receive healing energy through Reiki. Ask me about this during our initial consult call.***
What To Expect:
This is a session where I come into your home/office to help guide you - your learning and actions are also important to this process - in protecting your space, removing the build-up of stagnant energy, and creating a healthier flow. I do this through the techniques and tools of ancient practices passed down to me through generations of my ancestors.
Rituals typically take up to 2 hours for a >3000 sqft space.
What Is Included:
30-minute Initial Phone Consult
we will talk through your home and needs together. I will also create an energy map and confirm the spaces in need.
Map Reading
using a map of your space before your session helps me to become aware of and prepare for what you might need to cleanse and protect your space.
Grounding & Flow Rituals
the first step of your session is where I will guide you to grounding, protecting, & opening your energetic flow for your being.
Ritual Supplies
I will bring all the supplies like herbs, bells, crystals, oils, candles, etc that will be needed for your home session.
Protection & Transmutation Supplies
I will leave you with supplies to maintain a protected space and continue to transmute any unpleasant energies.
Follow-up Call
In a week, we will touch base to see how things are going for you with a brief call.
Why Choose This:
Individuals, families, and businesses seek out this option when they want to cultivate a more healing and restorative environment. This is ideal for people who are:
moving into a new location
owning a rental/short-term rental property
experiencing unpleasant &/or unproductive emotions/energy in their space.
wanting to have an introduction to learning how to clear your own space.
have gone through a pivotal life shift.
What Does "Trade-Only" Mean?
This is a healing service that I feel led by my ancestors & guides to keep as a trade. This means that I do not accept traditional monetary compensation. What I do accept is what you feel is as valuable to exchange for the session.
PLEASE email first If you are more than 20 miles outside of ATX, for available dates/times & an additional travel expense quote