Book an Appointment

Where can I help you find your way?

"All the work I have done with Nicole has brought me to a place where I can aknowledge, accept, even embrace the parts of myself that I was prevoiusly ashamed of." -N. Blackwell
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Let’s work together and plant new seeds to grow in your life.

Pay It Forward.

Your donation helps provide access to someone who isn’t able to afford coaching.


Each month with 100% of every donation I provide coaching for free to those in need.

How do I find those in need? Through my volunteer work and through references that call.

There are so many hard-working, deserving people who are just on the other side of access to the freedom and help that coaching can provide, communication skills, relationship help, and self-empowerment.

Together, with your donation, we can make the world a healthier place - for all.

Warmth & Wisdom, Nicole

Not Quite Sure What To Book?

Wanting to book an event or retreat?

Click on the “Contact” button below to send me a short message with your queries.