Optional Tarot Spreads

Mini (30-min) & SCROLL further to see In-depth (1 hr) Tarot-py

Options for Mini Tarot-py Sessions

Light & Shadow

This is a spread technique where we intentionally place a card in the reversed position to examine the greatest opportunities for healing our shadow in a situation.

Three-Card Reading

This is a great spread to find more in-depth guidance than pulling just one card. Common question practice is past/present/future, but you can also seek wisdom from your higher self with:

  • mind/heart/soul-spirit-energy

  • deciding choices 1/2/3

  • time one month/six months/one year

  • finding grounding/balance/connection

  • outcomes of the present situation/best possible outcome/worst possible outcome

  • work for grounding/shadow/illumination

  • finding soul joy gift/illuminating for others/lessons

  • subconscious/conscious/superconscious

  • you right now/your path/your potential

  • physical state/emotional state/spiritual state

  • receiving messages from ancient ancestors

Options for In-depth Tarot-py Sessions

Define The Situation

This spread helps reveal what is happening with outside influences, your role in that, and what steps you could take to shift upwards.

Mapping Your Internal Landscape

This spread helps illuminate which patterns or wounds you should be focused on that are playing a role in healing your shadow self, the action steps you could take that will lend a hand to your empowerment, transmuting for your highest good, and calling in what you want to manifest.


This is a spread that helps us take a deeper look into possible messages from the universe/your higher self to better understand things you could sit with and explore regarding yourself, your work, and your relationships.

Mirror Work

This spread helps bring clearer the workings of your inner and outer life and the potential steps to align your choices with how you want to grow your micro/macro cosmos and bring in the ability and empowerment to manifest what you are seeking.

Healing Inner Child/Generational Patterns

This spread can be used in two ways. Those who are seeking help in beginning to bring healing to the inner child who has suffered from life experiences, and/or to their generational family patterns. It offers insights into how these are affecting you and practical steps to align with and take.

Journey With Your Ancestors

This spread was crafted to help you start your journey of the self and discover messages, lessons, and strengths from those who have come before you. The last question in this spread can offer guidance on how to honor and begin a relationship with your ancestors.

The Success Spread

These cards will speak to the best approach for you to release what might be blocking your success. It will also guide you to find the nature of your intentions and recognize what obstacle you could be resisting.

Mountain Spread

This is a blueprint spread with assigned healing rituals specific to the cards intuitively chosen. These are to help guide you in wayfinding on your path to overcoming challenges and achieving the new heights that you are striving to reach.

The Love Spread

This spread will speak to the matters of your heart. What is your love and how you are expressing, experiencing, and potentially blocking from fully receiving it.

Above & Below Spread

This spread guides us to sit with revelations of processing our internal self in new beginnings, what we can learn from our spirit team and the earth, and illuminate where and from whom we can benefit from wisdom.

The Spiritual Path Spread

This spread helps to guide you in finding your personal path. What needs you could consider addressing in order for you to raise your consciousness and walk the road of an empowered spiritual warrior.

Breaking Addiction Patterns

This spread was created to help guide you in shedding light on patterns that no longer serve you and receive advice from your Higher Self/Spirit Guides about how you can embrace and acknowledge the suffering incurred, and how you might benefit from breaking and healing this pattern.

Past-Life Lessons Spread

This spread helps to bring an understanding about any energies you could be holding on to from various past lives. Knowing this can help guide you in finding your way through the lessons you might need to move through in this life.

Sacred Wound Healing

This spread was designed to guide you in finding a way through a situation where healing doesn’t look or feel possible. It shines a light on the medicine of grief and heartache. Pointing you in a direction to uncover insight into grace and hope.

Birthday Year Spread

This spread is a great tool in providing clear guidance on what you are/need to be releasing from the previous year and how to move forward in an empowered and enlightened way.

Wandering Star

This is a journey spread that helps give the most information and guidance on finding your way in uncovering the heart and shadow of a matter, which core wound may be blocking your intuition, and what guides to look for during this time.

The Cycle Spread

This is a spread designed for those seeking inner truth on cycles and patterns from emotional wounds. It guided you in identifying what cycle you are in and how it may be building resistance from repetition in your life.

Celtic Cross Spread

This is comprehensive and examines your question from many different angles to help you dive deeply into the encouraging and cautionary aspects of your decisions and understanding.