We gift ourselves pain when we compare to others. This unfortunate realization has become all too real in our modern social media climate. We look into the window that others have opened to us and peer into their perfectly coiffed lives; calling it a success while slightly condemning our own. 

It creates a deep pain within us that often seems unhealable. 

Social media is not going away and neither is the danger of comparing ourselves. Telling someone some bumper sticker kind of guru advice like, “Don’t look” or “Whatever, who cares!” is not a viable solution. It is easy to give life tips but harder to put into actual practice.

How do we work at changing a habit? Actually forget the word “work”! Let’s ask ourselves instead, “How do we love ourselves through changing a habit?” It is a revolution in our thoughts. 

We need to know we are enough and perfect as we are. We need to dig deep within and see behind the curtain that there is no right way to do anything. There is only the way we are choosing and if we don’t like the way that feels we have the power to TRY something new. 

Find the freedom in play.

Get out of your own head that is telling you that you are failing. The only real failure is not trying and not showing up. Stop letting sh*t just happen to you that forces you to make a choice. Be active in your life and choose what you are wanting with each choice. 

Now, I am fully aware that this advice, of being active in your own life, is simple but it is far from anything easy. Being my own boss it is very hard to put deadlines on myself and tell myself each day “it is time to get to it”… it is very easy to actively choose passivity and procrastination in either form; lounging in my yoga pants and curling up to bing TV -OR- performing “virtuous avoidance” and doing all the productive things except the thing I need to be doing. 

Some days there is nothing wrong with either. Some days I need it. So, I will actively choose that and enjoy it without shame or guilt. It is my choice to listen to my resting needs. On other days I choose all the things and then feel overwhelmed

The thing is, life will balance itself.

You just have to show up and choose to let it then remove any shame or guilt you have about other choices you have made. Life is just too d*mn short to lose ourselves in the comparison of perceived perfection in another.  

Ready to find your way? Send me a message and share your story.

nicole bills

I am a Spiritual Life Guidance coach & Healer in Austin, TX for everyone on a journey to discover how to love all of themselves. I offer guidance to those seeking to heal, align & reconnect their mind, body, & energy.

